
estas palabras movieron algo

"(...) You know I don't dream.
But last night I dreamt we were watching
A burial at sea. At first I was astonished.
And then filled with regret. But you
Touched my arm and said, - No, it's all right.
She was very old, and he'd loved her all her life."

All her life
Raymond Carver
 El poema completo

"I lay down for a nap. But every time I close my eyes,/
Mare's tails passed slowly over the Strait/
Toward Canada. And the waves. They rolled up on a beach/
And then back again. You know I don't dream./
But last night I dreamt we were watching/
A burial at sea. At first I was astonished./
And then filled with regret. But you/
Touched my arm and said, - No, it's all right./
She was very old, and he'd loved her all her life. "

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